ITpipes Implementation Timeline for Mobile, Sync, Web and Cloud
This is a general timeline for an ITpipes implementation with products including Mobile, Sync, Web and Cloud*. Please keep in mind this timeline does vary based on all requirements being met, based on client resources and responsiveness, legacy data format and type, and any challenges/highlights that arise during the project.
- Month 1 - Mobile, Sync, Web & Legacy Data migration
- Week 1
- Legacy data conversion begins, all legacy data must be in house for this to start.
- Install and test ITpipes Web and Cloud.
- Schedule install of ITpipes Mobile.
- Week 2
- Schedule install and test ITpipes Mobile.
- Set up and test Sync, revise settings until acceptance.
- Legacy data conversion continues, timeline for this can vary depending on data type and format submitted.
- Week 3
- Test ITpipes Mobile, revise settings until acceptance.
- Inspector training online with ITpipes Mobile.
- Test Sync, revise settings until approved.
- Client review of migrated legacy data, revise until approved.
- Client training online with ITpipes Web.
- Legacy data conversion continues, timeline for this can vary depending on data type and format submitted.
- Week 4
- Field work with ITpipes Mobile and proof ITpipes Mobile. When inspections start being performed with ITpipes Mobile, any interim data collected between the previously used application and ITpipes Mobile does need isolated for sending to ITpipes, see this link for more info.
- User proof testing of Sync.
- Client review of migrated legacy data, revise until approved.
- Office work with ITpipes Web.
- Legacy data conversion continues, timeline for this can vary depending on data type and format submitted.
- Month 2 -
- Week 5:
- User review/acceptance of legacy data.**
- User acceptance testing for ITpipes Web, Sync, Mobile.
- Week 6: User proof testing of ITpipes Mobile, Sync, and Web.
- Inspector re-training online with ITpipes Mobile, we recommended attending another online training session after having used ITpipes Mobile in the field.
- Week 7:User proof testing of ITpipes Mobile, Sync, and Web.
- Week 8: Go-live with ITpipes Mobile, Sync, Web.
This is a tentative timeline and requires resources related to each task.
*Implementations that include tasks beyond the products mentioned above have a different timeline.
**Keep in mind legacy data conversion can be time consuming depending on the amount and type of data sent to ITpipes.
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