How to get data to ITpipes.

How to get data to ITpipes.

When providing files to ITpipes there are options, including:

1) Sharefile - upload your data to ITpipes (less than 1 TB) 
2) Client FTP, site access, or another download link
3) Hard Drive shipped to ITpipes 

**Please note that if the data is over 1TB in size we prefer to receive the data on Hard Drive(s)


1) Single File or Small Data Set Zipped

When submitting a single file or small zipped dataset, the simplest option is to use this web browser upload page. This link will request you complete your contact information and then allow upload of files.

2) Several Files or a Medium Data Set (up to 1TB)

When submitting several files, the simplest option is to use an FTP client to upload them to the ITpipes Sharefile site. This allows unlimited files to be uploaded, but no file can be over 100 GB. With an FTP client, such as WS-FTP or FileZilla*, you can connect to your account. To connect using an FTP client, use the settings below.

If you have a large data set to upload, ShareFile suggests that you try their data migration app.  You will use itpipes as the company name and your email and password to log in.  From there, you will be able to schedule upload/download jobs and resume them if anything fails.

Please note that this form is required if you are submitting a large data set or project for data migration this form is required. After completing the form, within 4 days, you will receive the detailed setup instructions below.

Your FTP user name includes your account's subdomain to the left of your e-mail address. If you are unable to log in, or your FTP client does not allow you to enter the / and @ characters as part of your user name, you can use the shorter, alternate form to the right of your full user name.

Detailed Set-up Instructions

FTP Server Information

Security: Standard (Port 21) or Implicit SSL/TLS (Port 990)

FTP Server:

User name: ITpipes/email.address

Password: (your ShareFile password)

Both secure and standard FTP are enabled for your account.

*If you have challenges using a specific FTP app,

Client FTP, site access, or other download link

Client Site - Small or Medium Data Set (up to 1TB)

If your agency has a site with all data files and credentials that can be provided to ITpipes direct, we can download files directly from your site. Please provide credentials to your ITpipes contact.

Hard Drive(s) sent to ITpipes via a shipping method - Data sets of 1TB or more

Please share information on what you are shipping to ITpipes with the contact you are working with. The shipping address is: 
4921 Alexander Blvd. NE, Suite B
Albuquerque, NM  87107
Phone: 505-341-0109
When notifying the ITpipes contact that the hard drive is shipping, please provide:
  1. Shipping Method i.e. USPS, UPS, etc.
  2. Tracking Number
  3. Estimated date of arrival
  4. Whether you want the hard drive returned to you and/or recycled? Note that if we are recycling, we will destroy any data on the drive.
  5. If you would like the drive returned, please provide the return address. 

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