Cartegraph Requirements

Cartegraph Requirements

This KBA has details specific for Cartegraph integration & this KBA has details for any AMS integration with ITpipes.


  • Cartegraph API for integration, link here.

  • If there are custom required fields in task creation, we would require that a automation rule to automatically set the value for when ITpipes creates the task or not make it required if it is a certain activity type be setup. For more information on how to setup Automation Rules please reach out to Cartegraph.

  • Cartegraph Inspection Fields required to upload inspections into Cartegraph include the following fields, these fields are required to exist and mandatory as shown below for the integration to properly function. The fields are optional to be used.


TaskID - Text(50)

InspectionDate - Date

CleanDate - Date

Cleaned - Checkbox

FlowControl - Text(50)

OperationsIndexRatingField - Number

StructureIndexRatingField - Number

InspectedLength - Number

InspectionDirection - Text(50)

Notes - Text(UL)

Remark - Text(255)

Status - Text(255)

Weather - Text(50)

Inactive - Checkbox

InspectedBy - Text(50)

CertificateNumber - Text(15)

PONumber - Text(50)

ReasonofInspection - Text(50)

MediaNumber - Text(50)

Asset/Inspections Types Available: Sewer mainlines and/or Storm mainlines


  • Inside Cartegraph, each task has a one to one relationship with an inspection.

  • Please see our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) here.

  • Data Integration Notes:

    • ITpipes integration to Cartegraph field mapping is fully configurable behind the scenes by ITpipes staff and changes can be made upon request, change requests are done as a benefit of a client’s active SLA/SSA. 

    • All text fields that integrate between the systems can have a lookup defined; this must be manually set in the ITpipes template to match the Cartegraph field inputs for each specific field and they must be identical. If using a compliance standard that has mandatory fields and/or inputs in ITpipes, Cartegraph field inputs may need modified to match the ITpipes template.

    • If fields necessary for integration already exist,  but are previously (prior to setting up integration with ITpipes) used for different data, it is recommended to either 1)create a new field with a different name and move the existing data into that field, so the old field can be used for the new integration or 2) determine if the field can be repurposed.

Integration functions available:

  1. Hyperlink inside Cartegraph to open ITpipes Web Viewer

    1. A URL is created inside Cartegraph for each inspection completed. 

    2. The URL link will be added as an attachment to the Cartegraph task input into the Task ID field. A user can then select that hyperlink and the URL link opens the ITpipes Web Viewer and specific asset selected in a new tab. 

  2.  Uploading completed inspections into the inspection, attached to the task, in Cartegraph

    1. Inspections are uploaded into the inspection table inside Cartegraph.  This includes inspection header information such as inspection date, inspector name, overall pipe scoring, and other data fields. This also can include the function #1 shown above, Hyperlink inside Cartegraph.

    2. Cartegraph does require access to the API to upload the inspection information.

    3. The inspection information will not upload until a task is created for the asset unless automatic task creation is enabled.

    4. ITpipes Integration with Cartegraph allows for configuration, including the following:

      1. Ability to change the status of the task to “Completed” after the inspection information has been uploaded into the task. 

        1. This will allow the user to know what tasks have been completed but will not close the task.

      2. Ability to automatically close the task when the task has been inspected. 

        1. This will close the task and not allow any more modifications to be done to the task.

    5. Field Mapping Note: The fields shown in the table above are required for integration and mandatory based on the following details:

      1. parentOid: This is the key to the task. This is used for the  task number to transfer into ITpipes and is not modifiable.

      2. TaskID: This will be auto populated with the ITpipes viewer hyperlink; a custom field is not necessary or recommended for this information.

      3. InspectionDate: This will auto populate from the ITpipes asset/inspection date.

      4. CleanDate: This will auto populate from the ITpipes Cleaning date field; that field must exist in the ITpipes client template.

      5. Cleaned - Boolean: This checkbox field is to determine if the asset was cleaned or not; this will auto populate from the ITpipes cleaning field.

      6. Flowcontrol - Text (50): This is to determine whether the assets flow was controlled during the inspection or not; this will auto populate from the ITpipes Flow field. 

      7. InspectedOCI - Number: This is related to the automatic scoring for Cartegraph described in function #5 and will be auto-populated if this is set up and active, OCI is for maintenance scoring.

      8. InspectedOCR - Number: This is related to the automatic scoring for Cartegraph described in function #5  and will be auto-populated if this is set up and active, OCR is for structural scoring.

      9. InspectedLength- Number: The length of the inspection that was accomplished; this will auto-populate from the ITpipes Inspected Length.

      10. InspectionDirection - Text (50): This will auto populate from the ITpipes asset/inspection field named Inspection Direction.

      11. Notes - Text (UL): For various notes in Cartegraph; this will typically auto-populate from the ITpipes field named Additional Info.

      12. Remark - Text (255): For operator notes from the field; this will typically auto-populate from the ITpipes field named Operator Comments.

      13. Status - Text (255): Status of the inspection or the asset; this will auto-populate from the ITpipes Completed Inspection field. This field pops up after an inspector completes the inspection inside ITpipes Mobile.

      14. Weather - Text (50): This will auto populate from the ITpipes asset/inspection field named weather. 

      15. Inactive - Checkbox: Determines if the asset is active or inactive. 

      16. InspectedBy - Text (50): This will auto populate from the ITpipes field named Operator. The value must match the Cartegraph username.

      17. CertificateNumber - Text (15): This will auto populate from the ITpipes field named Certificate Number.

      18. PONumber - Text (50): This will auto populate from the ITpipes field named purchase order number.

      19. ReasonofInspection - Text (50): This will auto populate from the ITpipes field named Reason of inspection.

      20. mediaNumber - Text (50): This will auto populate from the ITpipes field named Media number.

  3. Download of tasks from Cartegraph into ITpipes for mobile inspection user assigned list

    1. Field mapping is set up to download the values for the task into ITpipes and assign the inspection to a specific user. This user is the Cartegraph User Name and  is defined in the ITpipes Sync Settings, Client ID field.

      1. The field mapping will be set up during the integration process. 

      2. If default values are requested they can be set up in the field mapping.

  4. Create a new task in Cartegraph for an unplanned completed inspection from ITpipes

    1. Unplanned/Emergency Task Creation: ITpipes Sync/Cartegraph Integration has the ability to create a task for unplanned/emergency inspections.  The asset inspected must have an asset identifier that exists inside Cartegraph. If no pipe id or asset id exists in Cartegraph, the asset can be added to Cartegraph (GIS) and sync re-executed to create the task and populate inspection information. 

  5. Automatic Scoring for Cartegraph score rating

    1. ITpipes Integration to Cartegraph has the ability to upload the score rating based on Cartegraph standards. Cartegaph uses a 0-100 scale (0 being bad). Since the most common scoring scale is a 0-5 scale (5 being bad). The integration will automatically convert the scoring to a Cartegraph acceptable scoring scale. This will allow the ratings to be easily viewed in Cartegraph for the inspection that was done on the task.

    2. Once this score is inside Cartegraph:

      1. The responsibility of an asset manager is to maintain the level of service and maximize the usefulness of your asset portfolio.  Inspections are a critical step in understanding current conditions as well as predicting the asset’s future failure point.  Cartegraph’s Overall Condition Index (OCI) provides an objective way to measure the health of individual assets which can then be used to compare conditions to other assets. 

      2. Cartegraph’s OCI provides a weighted average of the inspection’s condition categories to ensure the factors that drive condition can be tailored to your asset management strategy.

      3. Most asset types have a standardized way to inspect and score their condition.  Cartegraph’s OCI is a great way to view asset health across multiple asset types.  Pipes, for example, often use standards to define operational and structural scores.  Cartegraph can use those scores specifically for pipes, but can also convert to an OCI so an asset’s health can be understood at an organizational view.

      4. Cartegraph’s OCI is a need for any asset manager.  Adding this KPI to your dashboard gives you peace of mind that you always have a beat on how your assets are performing.  Like the saying goes, “if you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.”  OCI is your measuring stick to ensure you are maintaining assets to your desired levels.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):

  • Where does the video hyperlink go in Cartegraph?  Do I need to build a custom field for this information?

    • The hyperlink is available in the Attachment section inside of the task ID . There is no need for a custom field, the link to the Inspection viewer will be accessible from the completed task.

  • The links do not work on the document.

  • Will the integration work if one of those required fields are not in Cartegraph?

    • The required fields are needed to be in Cartegraph. Even though these fields are not required by Nassco or the custom template. These are required, as part of the ITpipes Integration, to be in Cartegraph. Though they do not need to be visible on the inspection.

  • I would have thought that data fields like ‘Reason for Inspection’ , ‘Weather’, and ‘Direction of Inspection’ would be a library of choices, not an open text field? They are a dropdown of choices in Nassco.  

    • These are text fields in Cartegraph on the base level. If dropdowns are added to Cartgraph, they will need to match the template that is used by ITpipes. Field Types need to match between all three sources.  When dropdowns are being used, NASSCO dictates the available choices.

  • The field types are dropdowns in NASSCO, but the IT Pipes document describes the type as a text field or checkbox.  Based on correspondence, the NASSCO formatting controls. 

    • Please see the above question.

  • What is the intent of the remark, inactive, and media number fields?  I can’t find a match and Cartegraph has no pre‐built match. 

  • Remark - Field Notes from the operators. If not needed can be hidden.

    • Inactive - Is the pipe inactive or active. This is usually in most cartegraph integration just hidden.

    • Media Number - A requirement for nassco but can be used for other notes. 

  • Will I need to make any adjustments needed to the condition scoring indexes on the assets in Cartegraph? Do I need to build it for the ITpipes Integration?

    • ITpipes provides a script that runs prior to data syncing into cartegraph that extrapolates a 0 - 100 score which Cartegraph uses. This scoring is in a 0 being bad and 100 being good based format. This scoring is based on the Nassco PACP inspection SPRI and MPRI grades or a custom grading if not using Nassco.

  • Cartegraph task status is either Planned, In Progress,  Completed, etc., not Open and Complete.  We would like to apply our own resources to the task (labor and equipment time for cost reflection on the task) while they are in the field. On completing the inspection they would document their time and their equipment time on that task.  Saving this will change the Task Status from Planned to In Progress.  I assume the Sync will also work with In Progress tasks, not just Planned tasks?

    • The integration can be set up to utilize whatever status that is decided on to trigger the download.  Although, it will only download if the task is set to that certain status. So if it is decided to download with Planned and also In Progress the integration would be unable to do this. If it is decided to be in progress and not planned that triggers the download, we can do that or vice versa. When uploading inspections to tasks, it does no matter what the status is as long as it is not set to complete or closed.

  • As an example, let’s say a pipe diameter in GIS was labeled as a 10 inch, but they find it in the field to be a 12 inch.  When the CCTV crews document the diameter on the inspection in IT Pipes, is the correct data flow IT Pipes tells GIS, GIS corrects the asset record, and then that correction is pushed to Cartegraph through GIS?

    • ITpipes Cartegraph integration does not update the GIS map attribute information. If Cartegraph is set to pull information from the GIS Map. Once the map has been updated, it should reflect in Cartegraph. However, if there is an issue with this, please reach out to Cartegraph.

  • To work off of the last question, our GIS records were, more often than not correct and are corrected with inspection information from the field.  Is it possible to tell our GIS group what records should be updated based on our inspections?

    • This is not part of the Cartegraph integration. If this feature is desired, please reach out to an ITpipes Sales representative.

  • There are already fields that are in Cartegraph and I assume we are tying the IT Pipes field to it?

    • Correct. The required fields that are already in Cartegraph are fields that we are mapping to ITpipes Fields via a field mapping.

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